
Average score 574 Reviews
Laura Luong bin noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very good ! I recommend ! (Original) Très bon ! Je recommande !

11 months ago
Aurelie Germain noted on Google

11 months ago
Christian Leduc noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Too bad the restaurant isn't bigger 👍 (Original) Dommage que le restaurant n'est pas plus grand 👍

11 months ago
Geert v spijker noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Certainly for a buffet with al inn price, the quality is good. Service friendly. Wide choice reasonably cozy in focus. Especially suitable for family with children (Original) Zeker voor een buffet met al inn prijs is de kwaliteit goed. Bediening vriendelijk. Ruime keus redelijk gezellig in gericht. Zeker voor familie met kinderen zeer geschikt

11 months ago
Joël HUCHEDÉ noted on Google

(Translated by Google) I took a click and collect, very satisfied with the speed of preparation. Very good quantity and quality. Nothing to say except 《GO THERE》 (Original) J'ai pris un click and collecte, très satisfait de la rapidité de la préparation. Très belle quantité et qualité. Rien à redire si ce n'est 《ALLEZ Y》

11 months ago
Vincent Guilhemjouan noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very good.....don't hesitate... (Original) Très bon pas esiter...

11 months ago
Lina Ballesteros noted on Google

11 months ago
S R noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Despite our late hour (9:30 p.m.), the staff is very welcoming and pleasant, the buffet well supplied and of quality, I highly recommend, thank you "au siècle d'or" (Original) Malgré notre heure tardive (21h30) ,le personnel est très accueillant et agréable, le buffet bien fourni et de qualité, je recommande vivement, merci "au siècle d'or"

11 months ago
Martine Tenailleau noted on Google

11 months ago
Liliane Morel noted on Google

(Translated by Google) I am amazed when I see some of the reviews, for my part, I have been coming here for several years, first on vacation and now as a resident of Vendée, always very good, clean and the staff are always friendly, it is certain that not everything can to be perfect and please everyone but frankly there are comments that leave you perplexed (like this person who does not know what all you want to say) 🤔 for the critics made a gourmet and not at will only the note will perhaps be be better (Original) J'hallucine en voyant certaines critiques pour ma part j'y viens depuis plusieurs années d'abord en étant en vacances et maintenant en temps que résident en Vendée, toujours très bon propre et le personnel toujours aimable, il est sur que tout ne peut être parfait et plaire à tout le monde mais franchement il y a des commentaires qui laissent perplexe ( comme cette personne qui ne sais pas ce que veux dire a volonté)🤔pour les détracteurs faite un gastronomique et non a volonté seul la note sera peut-être meilleure

11 months ago

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